Anime, sometimes referred to as Japanimation, is hand-drawn and computer animation that originated in Japan. The term anime is derived from the English word animation and is used in Japan to describe all forms of animated media. Outside of Japan, anime specifically refers to animation from Japan or a Japanese-influenced animation style known for its colorful graphics, vibrant characters, and fantastical themes. This broad cultural interpretation of the term potentially allows for anime produced in other countries. The earliest commercial Japanese animation dates back to 1917, and a distinctive art style emerged in the 1960s with the works of Osamu Tezuka, gaining a large international following in the second half of the 20th century. Anime can be distributed through theaters, television broadcasts, home media, and the Internet. In addition to original works, anime often adapts Japanese comics (manga), light novels, and video games. The production techniques and methods of anime have evolved over time in response to new technologies, creating a multimedia art form that incorporates graphic art, characterization, cinematography, and other creative techniques. Unlike other forms of animation, anime focuses less on movement and more on realistic settings and camera effects like panning, zooming, and unique angles. Anime features diverse art styles, character proportions, and facial features which can range from large expressive eyes to more realistic designs. Anime encompasses a wide range of genres tailored to both mass and niche audiences.
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